Thursday, February 26, 2009

Thoughtful Thursdays

 My Friend Adam Freeman has started this post on his blog called Thoughful Thursdays.  I think this is a great idea. We all need to take more time to share kindness throughout the world.  I am also participating in something called Revolutionary Love - similar concept. Here is what Adam said about Thoughtful Thursdays:

Okay, here is how our "Thoughtful Thursdays" works.
You all are going to go out in to this crazy world and do something EXTRA nice for someone else. You can do something nice for someone you love, someone you don't love, or someone you you have never had the chance to love and come back here to share about it each and every Thursday.

What I am going to do today is to go into work late this morning so that I can help Jamie out and take Ryan to school.  This way she will not have to juggle two kids this morning.  She'll love that!