It seems that there are those that really love to read books and can blow through them in a matter of hours. Then there are those that don't like to read at all and their list of books they have read in the past five years is fewer than three. Then there are those like me. I actually like to read and learn, but do not seem to have the time I need to devote toward reading so much. I have purchased three books in the past two months, but have barely cracked open the first one.
Now, during this same time frame I have read countless articles on the Internet, blogs, reviews, how-to's, etc - right online and in short amounts of time. This makes me wonder if I have it all wrong on how to tackle a book. It seems that I compare myself to the first group of people a mentioned above - to knock out those three books this weekend. But maybe it is just about reading a bit of each every day, with no particular pressure on time frames. Perhaps I will give that a try - or maybe those books will just collect some more dust for awhile.