Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Social Madness

Once you get sucked into the online social world, it is hard to go back. Can you image not using facebook or twitter? How many people have you connected with or reconnected with just this past year? For me, it is amazing. I now have more relationships than ever (some strictly online and others we have actually met face-to-face). Seems ridiculous that we use to think meeting your spouse online was strange.

But how do you decide which social networks to stick with and which ones to ditch? Every week it seems that I run across a new site. And because I love new sites I always sign up. Some I drop by once a week and others I have never really used. I recently had to add a folder to my Firefox bookmarks called "social." (by the way, started using tags in Firefox to test that out - maybe I can get rid of folders all together in my bookmarks).

I have to admit that I have not been into posting to video sites, but they do intrigue me. Take for example. Kinda a twitter but in video format. Love the idea. Cannot image following and posting like I do with twitter if I had to rely on waiting for video to load.

Yahoo also just started a new social network called 360. Seems to me they are trying too hard in this area already dominated by facebook. What makes a great social network is not only the platform of the site but the number of relevant users. I guess I'll keep signing up and if enough people join me some of the social madness will stick!